Associate Profesor, Chair of EpidemiologyMedical Faculty, University of Novi SadTeaching activities practical and lectures with medical students. DirectorInstitute of Public Health of VojvodinaI run the Institutes affairs EpidemiologistInstitute of Public Health of VojvodinaSurveillance of Communicable Diseases EpidemiologistInstitute of Public Health of VojvodinaEpidemiological investigation, Asisstant to the Provincial Secretary of HealthProvincial Secretariate For Health, Autonomous Province of VojvodinaHead of the Sanitary inspection in AP Vojvodina |
prof. dr Erzebet Ac Nikolic |
Assistant Director for Educational and Scientific IssuesInstitute of Public Healthprofmedical facultuy University of Novi SadprofesorMedical faculty Novi Sad |
prof. dr Milorad Kragujević |